Thursday, March 17, 2011

Crap hair

Those who have climbed regularly (especially in Spain), will be aware of the amazing array of climber’s haircuts. These hairstyles range from mullets, ‘afros’ and ‘Mohicans’ to dreads, rat’s tails and various other creative styles. There also seems to be a vague correlation between the ‘crapness’ of the hair and the ability of the climber… Crap hair generally means better climber!

To test this theory I decided to try the crap hair theory! Simon kindly assisted and created a true masterpiece! It is a bad mullet combined with a ‘tin-tin-esque’ quiff, and certainly fits the crap hair criteria!

So, does it work? Well, hard to say for definite, but my climbing does seems to be improving. I’ve been climbing more 7a+’s and 7b’s, and had a go on an 8a and nearly got a 7c on the second session (climbed through the crux and fell off a wet hold at the top). I’d like to think the hair helps, but if I’m honest it is probably just a combination of my improving finger injury and extra strength from two weeks bouldering in Albarracin!

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